Robotics and the Internet of Things help shape Industry 4.0

Robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT) promise to change the future of Industry 4.0, but Brazil still needs to go a long way towards industrial automation. According to the International Robotics Federation (IFR), in 2017 the country had 12,373 robots in industries, or only 0.6% of robots installed in the world then, which corresponds to the 18th position in the ranking of the most automated nations.
Changing this reality and promoting greater automation of our industries is, therefore, essential for economic development: according to an estimate by the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), the large-scale application of elements of Industry 4.0 in Brazil would generate savings of R $73 billion a year.
Industrial collaborative robots are known as cobots and they are very useful: they are applicable from data entry, order registration and safety monitoring to guiding the dialogue with the customer, loading and unloading machines, packing, life testing and product handling. They can be used in unhealthy, repetitive and risky activities, allowing human workers to focus on more complex and safer tasks.
IoT also allows for greater automation in the industry. An example is DynaLogger, a wireless sensor that monitors the vibration and temperature of machines, developed by Dynamox, a company from Santa Catarina.
“The sensors identify possible changes in the functioning of the machines and send the data to a cloud platform. The platform, in turn, generates graphics with this information. If the graphics indicate non-standard behavior, the system generates alerts for the maintenance sector", he explains Jonas Ieno, CEO yes Lieno Technology, Dynamox's R&D partner.
The result of applying IoT, robotics and other elements of Industry 4.0 is the reduction of failures - made possible by constant predictive monitoring, as in the case of DynaLogger - and the processing time of industry activities, generating savings in costs and optimizing production.
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