Young Worker: Lieno invests in diversity and new talents

published by Marketing Mkt in

According to a survey by the Brazilian Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies, the IT market should demand more than 70 thousand new jobs in the country in 2021 and more than 420 thousand people by 2024.

Ideal time for young workers looking for opportunities. And on Young Worker's Day, April 24, it is important to emphasize that the market has been undergoing strong changes.

Na Lieno Technology it is common to hire young people who do not yet have experience, but who go through learning processes, which help them to become more qualified professionals.

This is the case of Lucas Feitosa, 26 years old, who started his career as an intern and grew, becoming a developer, technical leader and today works in a large company in Florianópolis (SC).

“I joined Lieno in 2018 and in a short time I learned what kind of professional I wanted to be. I was hired after the internship ended and I saw my efforts being rewarded. I was able to participate in a sensational team, where my growth was exponential. Being part of Lieno is a unique experience, every day a new learning experience and a gratification to see the result of your work”, says Lucas.

Working with young talents is a Lieno policy that benefits everyone involved: both for the company, which invests in diversity, creativity and innovation, and for young workers, who have the opportunity to achieve their professional goals.

According to Jonas Ieno, CEO of Lieno Tecnologia, hiring young people enriches the work environment. “We started as a small startup and all our first employees were interns who studied Electrical Engineering or Computer Science,” he explains. “We adopted this culture in the company and about 80% of the interns were hired, evolved and learned with us, in an exchange of knowledge, experience and results”, he concludes.

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